*UPDATED: We will announce the 10 finalist on 8.23.08*
Hello Ladies.
Time for a contest. A recipe contest.
The Great SITS Recipe Contest
Please email us your BEST recipe. The top 10 chosen by us (Heather & Tiffany with help from an actual professional chef) will go up to a public vote. The Prize.......
$100 Gift Card to Williams-Sonoma and a New Digital Camera so that YOU can become the next "lady-who-posts-great-pictures-and-recipes-on-her-blog" blogger!!!
So here is what you do:
1. Post your recipe and the contest details linking back here. (Yes, it can be a recipe that has already been featured.)
2. Comment here when you've done that.
3. Be sure to check back often, as when voting starts, you will want to tell your readers to get on over here and VOTE!
1. Recipes needs to be somewhat original. Please do not take one of Paula's babies and post it as your own.
2. You must have your SITS Recipes button posted on your blog.
3. Any other rule we forgot to mention, but might be necessary.
I'm in! Redeeming Myself with Bacon Basil Chicken.
Sounds like fun, I'll have to think about what I want to enter :-)
I am not sure I have a recipe that is worthy of a contest, but I am willing to risk it for a William Sonoma card and a camera! I'll be back!!
Hello!!!! I must win this. Please. Pretty please. I will decide on a recipe and let ya know ASAP! BTW, when is the contest up?
HOLY MOLY!! Rule number three cracks me up. Always good to cover out bases.
Yeesh, y'all...my best stuff is Paula's. I mean...imitation is the sincerest form of flattering. And Paula is my close, personal friend, you know.
I'll have to think on this...
That is great, I am going to post it on my blog, right now!
Just posted the contest and recipe at
I would definitely like to post my Berry Mallow Bake on Monday. What does "somewhat original" mean? I've had this recipe for years and don't remember where I got it.
DARN. I just Googled it and found it's a Taste of Home recipe. Can I enter it if I give them credit? If not, I guess I'm out, cuz I am not a creative cook!
Here's mine-- I'l try to get pictures up there in the next couple of days...
My recipe is for Turkey Black Bean Sloppy Joes in Acorn Squash Bowls. It's delicious!
Oooo, what a good contest. My recipe will be coming your way.
Ooo now this could be really fun. Even though I've never entered a cooking contest before. Are we going main dishes or desserts or sides or?... What are you judging them on (e.g., do you want the yummy but easy to make or the harder but oohhhhh so much better recipes)? I've got serveral that I could maybe do, as cookbooks and I don't always get along so well, but I'm not sure which! Great idea. I love seeing what other people are making!
Somewhat original. hmmmm....
I have a recipe I love, but I don't know how original it is. I got it from my mom ...and I have no idea where she got it. lol
Then I have the super secret recipe from my grandmother, passed down the family for 100 years or something...for caramel cake, but if I shared it, my sweet grandmother would hunt me down and kill me!
Ok so I did it right and made the post. Check it out. My official entry.
I've posted mine ;) Banana Blondies!
My entry ^_^ This is so exciting!
I've posted my entry!
You know I actually cooked today - well, I microwaved. Does that count? So I'll be on the lookout for a good recipe. Thanks for doing this. Oh, and I love Rune 3. I'm going to have to remember it. I'm sure it will come in usefull when I'm "discussing" house rules with the kids. LOL
I just posted mine. You can find it here.
What a great contest! I'll have to decide what I want to enter!
Shannon earns an extra entry!!
Girl, I'm publishing my post right now, some come on over and take a look!
Justine :o )
Ok so I want to do this. Cause my camera broke and now I'm having some serious withdraws. I will figure out my recipe and be back shortly.
I posted my entry so I am commenting. How fun is this!!! I think the hardest part is choosing a recipe. Ü Here is mine....
Old Fashioned Chicken Spaghetti
To me adding Chocolate Milk to Captain Crunch Peanut Butter Cereal is gourmet cooking.
Is this the kind of razzle-dazzle recipe you are looking for?
Bwahahaha I don't know if I will think of something to enter or not but I wanted to pop in and say hi and GREAT CONTEST!
I love cooking gadgets- and not all of them are dust collectors either.
I've got some S'more Cookie Fingers that are to die for!
I hope this counts - the recipe I used for the cookie dough came from another blog, but the application of said dough was my own invention.
k - just posted my recipe and link on my site...
My first shot at "being creative". I was saving this just to bring over here as a post but since you are having a contest, heck, why not enter it into a contest. It isn't probably the BEST, but it sure is original!!
Okay. Mine's up. It's easy to make, fast, microwaveable, and ..... it has chocolate! Hope you like it.
Please count me in. But when is the contest deadline? I will look around, maybe I missed that information.
Try my irresistible, crispy and delicious lumpia at An Ordinary Life!
Never failed to impress before. (Although I should get better photos of it...)
Okay ... posted mine and linked back to Saucy Eats...
Oh how fun! Here's my yummy recipe...
Three Cheese Gourmet Scalloped Potatoes
Can't wait to see who the top 5 finalists are! I don't know how you are going to choose, because these all look yummy!
Posted mine and linked back here
Chicken and Noodles Crockpot Style
and emailed.
I excited. I'm going to post in a few days. First, I need to get my baby off to college. :(
I posted about the contest and linked back to you! I love this! Thanks :)
Here is the recipe that I want to enter!!!
I've got my recipe posted and linked up to the site. This is so exciting! Here's the link to my post:
I'm emailing and posting now.......
My recipe is up and ready for review. So exciting!!
Hi Saucy Gals! I just put mine up:
I wish I could post a link but I'm too dumb.
All these recipes sound SO good!!
My recipe is up!!!
I'm in!
see it here
Here's my attempt:
My recipe is up... count me in, don't you DARE laugh when you read it either!
I have posted my Beef Stroganoff recipe! Count me in!
I am submitting my Potato Salad recipe. I've email the recipe and have it post on my blog.
I just posted my entry - Enchiladas!
I have posted about this and love the opportunity. Hubby suggested I enter my glazed pork chops. He and son love these. They're juicy, crispy and have a bite all in one. http://www.3sidesofcrazy.com/2008/08/glazed-stuffed-pork-chops-for-sits.html
:) Thanks!
Here's my entry!
This is my entry, I'm hoping I did this right! :)
Anyway, winner or not, this recipe is the bomb:) Hope ya'll enjoy it!:)
My entry has been posted on my recipe blog
I have to apologize...I somehow typed the wrong amount of bread crumbs in my recipe. It is fixed now.
I just realized we had to email you the recipe. Doing that now. Der!
So can we email multiple recipes?
You have to read this recipe. It is the most delicious, rich, gooey piece of heaven you could ever meet!
Miss Piggy Bars
Ok, you had NO idea how hard it was to decide what to post. Do I go for the dip I've started making that everyone constantly asks for the recipe or do I go with my chicken and rice dish or do I go dessert or my lasagne or.... Yeah, I know I need help.
However, after 11 days, I finally decided on a recipe and posted it. Ta-da!
Orange Chocolate Shortbread Cookies:
OK, this is killing me. I can't believe that we have to wait a whole other week until we find out who the to 5 are. Can we have a sneak peak. A little something, please?
I made Karen's entry (DELICIOUS!) and have a shout-out (and photo) on my Weekly Winners post for Sunday. Best of luck to everyone!
ooo Saturday can't get here fast enough!! LOL
GL everyone!!
Mine is up and posted! This is so much fun! :)
Gawd I hope I did it right the first time but just in case...
the real recipe REALLY is good!
SITS button--check
Post about recipe contest--check
To die for Chocolate Fudge Cake with Peanut Butter icing that creates all-out-brawls-over-the-last-piece-in-the-fridge...check!
Thanks for the fun contest and for letting me join in, I checked out some of the entries, YUM!
Better late than never! I am so excited...I hope I can get enough votes to win!
Whoops, sorry, Ladies! I swear I had the button on my site but just realized that ummmm I'm lame and forgot to put it on back when you started the site. Sorry! It's up now :)
OK I tried it, hopefully I did this right since I am a brand new blogger. But I would really love a new camera! And I love this site I have tried a ton of the recipes so much fun. Thanks for all the work you put it to it
Hey, this sounds great. I have posted my recipe for Easy as 1-2-3 chicken at www.ouisaforpresident.blogspot.com
Y'all come on over and check it out.
Thanks for the contest.
You did not mention how many we can enter, so here is another delicious noodle favorite:
Pancit de Miki
I just posted my top secret recipe for the most amazing mudpie brownies. My husband is very possessive of these goodies and has never let me share the recipe before, so I hope you like them!Thanks for sponsoring such an awesome contest!
didn't know there was a RECIPE site! whoo hoo!
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