Monday, August 4, 2008

Featured Chef: Three Ws in a Pod

So, this didn't post last night when it should have!  Sorry about that... 

Today's Chef is Three Ws in a Pod

She has some great offerings!

Fab Ab's Stuffed Chicken looks absolutely delish!

This one calls for some Feta cheese... Best Turkey Burgers, EVER.

So head on over to her place and figure out what's for dinner!


Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Checking in over here for the Saucy Eats.

Ab said...

Better late than never....

Anonymous said...

I want to run out to the grocery store right now to get the ingredients for the turkey burgers. Will be noshing soon.

Rhea said...

I'm here and hungry. :o)

Amy said...

All of these recipes hit the spot. I am lovin' it! :D

Deanna said...

Yummy! I am sure that the boys won't agree to any of these as a last day of summer vacation meal... maybe this weekend!

Just Lisa said...

Loved the stuffed chicken! Very fancy pants!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about trying to make turkey burgers. This looks like a good place to start! :)

Live.Love.Eat said...

A day late but not a dollar short. On my way.....

Sherri said...

How come there are not any new posts for the past couple of days?

Nonnas News said...

I'm back!! We need some more comment love going on here! Come on all you cooks!!

Angela said...

Yay! I've finally got internet again! Woohoo! Off to check out some back issues...

Brooke said...

A tad late...